Thursday 16 April 2009

Sparrows, Robins and Blackbirds

Yes, that's what I've seen today...

Rather more exciting than it sounds, for me anyway, as Robins and Blackbirds are my favourite birds :-)

Had a fantastic couple of minutes hardly daring to breathe when a Robin flew down onto the path almost right in front of me. He pecked about happily and threw a few leaves around before looking at me with his beady eye and flying off... :-)

The Blackbirds were on fine form today with their singing, I think I can safely say that the Liss Blackbirds are excelling themselves this spring.

Many Sparrows were seen in the hedgerows, fighting over which part of of the hedge was theirs :-)

1 comment:

  1. Pictures of Old Winchester Hill, I think this may be worth a visit, sparrow or no!

    I've been much impressed with Liss Blackbirds.
